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My Parkinson’s Story

By A.L.Vasudevan

I am Parkinson’s Disorder patient (with lot of patience!). PD has been progressing in me since last 13 years and my date of birth age is 67yrs. When on vacationing in Wayanad, Kerala, I heard the voice of my friend “Hei Vasu! what the hell are you doing here. This was my very close friend, Jagat. He asked me “Where is your Parkinson’s friend who used to be always with you?” To educate him and my other friends I have written this note. 

The disorder: PD is a progressive degenerative neuro disease. This is 200 yrs old disease. Root cause is not known. This is not a contagious disorder. You will not die but cannot live your life, orderly like others. PD sets in (at some age may be around 50 when there is loss of the chemical called ‘dopamine’ (reasons –not known), resulting in delay of ‘instruction’ to every part of body.

What can be seen: My hands shakes/ dances to a rhythm. These tremors is visible and awkward to the onlooker (not for me!). I also freeze while walking and my steps are short and movements slow. 

What cannot be seen: You cannot see smile or laugh a my once upon a time-a charming self. I sort of have a non-expressive wooden face. My voice is gone for a ‘non-returnable SIX / lost to PD. People say “Speak slowly word by word… Who on earth will wait to listen to my slow speech that too blurred/not clear. Sleep is penalised both ways-Sleeplessness (loss of sleep/disturbed sleep) and sleepiness. Also, constipation is my constant friend, it is ever present. 

Mr. Vasudevan (Right) being a support and encouraging another member

What only I can see:  Some days I float in a mythical / mysterious world – such as hearing sounds in my room that are not heard by others. At other times figures’ line up on the roof in my bedroom. During night times, I can see the shadow of two legs – a man hiding behind the curtains. I am told they are illusionary/imaginary – hallucinatory symptoms of PD.  Doctors will review certain drugs to reduce this issue. 

I EXER(T)RCIS(Z)E:    It means Ex those days I ERRed did not give importance to the body care! I spend 2hrs/day for body care- i.e. 8% of the day and body takes care of me for 92%of the time! Exercise is easy said than done. Would you like to take a walk along with me? As you move along with the short-stepped funny walker!

My positive outlook: No more cribbing. I have good days – when the ‘energy levels’ are good (rare & few.) I have bad days (of course many) and I learn from these days. I win both ways. I have authored two books for the Next Generation. I have already donated 80 plus Knowledge books Manufacturing/Management to a Team that is running The JOY OF BOOKS LIBRARY at Annanagar. I keep my ‘head engaged’ without rusting or resting.

The irony is, during my work life I was branded as “Speed Vasu” -meaning I used to walk faster, speak faster and my hand writing was rated as Second Best in our family after my father. I have moved from the “Fast Track” to the ‘Slowest track’! 

While my body and mind change, my heart and attitude remain the same. 

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